WELLNESS & WELL-BEING How to Love Yourself So You Can Truly Love Others By Sharee Silerio F or 29 years, I put my self-worth in the hands of others. I based the way I loved and accepted myself on how others loved and accepted me. I became preoccupied with getting people to like me, show interest in me, need me, and flirt with me. However, their actions, words and attention weren’t enough. I still felt empty, hurt and craved more. One day, I got sick and tired of the vicious “fill my cup from the outside in” cycle and decided to tend to the condition of my heart, soul and mind. I understood that if I dealt with myself from a place of brokenness, I would do the same with other people. I realized that you can’t give what you don’t have, so I needed to give love to myself. The first person you should practice love on – because love is a choice and action – is you. Little by little, I learned how to love myself. If you desire relationships rooted in unconditional, pure love, then making it a reality starts with you. Here are eight ways you can learn to love yourself so you can become and receive the love your soul yearns for. 1. Recognize that you are valuable, and that God, who created you, loves you the way you are. 2. Take an honest look at who you are – including your past and present – and accept ALL of it. 3. Forgive yourself for your mistakes, shortcomings and failures. 4. Deal with your wounds and do the work (therapy, meditation, journaling, etc.) required to heal them. 5. Believe that you can get where you want and need to be by being exactly who you are. 6. Encourage yourself by speaking positive words regarding your abilities, accomplishments and dreams. 7. Take care of yourself daily (rest when you need it, say no, have fun, eat healthy food, exercise, etc.). 8. Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. Surround yourself with people who treat you how you want to be treated. Don’t wait for other people to love you the way you want to be loved. Your life’s task is to love the one person who will always be there for you and with you: you. When you fill your heart, soul and mind with the love you hope to receive, you attract it into your life, whether that is through a partner, friends or family. Silerio is a St. Louis-based freelance writer, a blogger, and a film and TV writer and producer. Her work has appeared in The Root, Curly Nikki and The St. Louis American. Read her writings on faith and self-love at SAVVY I SOPHISTICATED I SASSY 93