LOVE & ROMANCE Adela Slovakova & Logan Finerty BRIDAL BLISS DATE: July 8, 2017 VENUE: Villa Regenhart - Jeseník, Czech Republic ABOUT THE COUPLE: She’s a broker for SogoTrade, Inc. He’s a senior manager at Argent Capital and Moneta Group. HOW DID YOU MEET? Logan: At a bar. Adela was out for her birthday, and I didn’t know how playing golf together, and the views are beautiful. Logan replaced a pin flag with a Czech flag, and the ring was on the hole cup! WHAT WAS UNIQUE ABOUT YOUR WEDDING? From the American perspective, almost everything! We were married in Jeseník (a town about a four-hour drive northeast of Prague, in the mountains). to approach her, so I purposely bumped her and apologized. The rest is history. HOW DID HE PROPOSE? Adela: It was at Boone Valley Golf Club in Augusta, Missouri. We love 38 GAZELLE STL