Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

It might ( or might not ) be surprising to learn that one in five women have experienced rape or attempted rape in their lives . One in three women experience physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner . One in four girls is sexually abused before the age of 18 .

Though the numbers for men are statistically lower , one in 67 men has experienced rape or attempted rape , and one in six boys is sexually abused before they are 18 .
One of every seven victims of sexual assault was under age 6 – under age 6 ! Even scarier , it is estimated that 67 percent of instances of rape go unreported .
For those who need assistance , who need to talk to someone , who are in a current abusive situation , or who are victims of sexual assault or harassment and need assistance , there is help out there . Here are just a few of the available resources .
• The Angel Band Project , a nonprofit organization that helps victims of sexual assault to break the silence and heal through music . 6267 Delmar Blvd ., St . Louis , MO 63130 ( 314 ) 240-5525 , angelbandproject . org
• Annie Malone Children & Family Services provides crisis intervention , juvenile respite and emergency placement , as well as transitional housing . 2612 Annie Malone Drive , St . Louis , MO 63130 ( 314 ) 531-0120 , anniemalone . com
• Bridgeway Behavioral Health ’ s sexual assault center in St . Charles County provides counseling , education programs and advocacy services free of charge . Main office at 118 N . Second St ., Suite 200 , St . Charles , MO 63301 and multiple service locations , ( 636 ) 224-1210 , 24- hour crisis helpline ( 877 ) 946-6854 or ( 636 ) 946-6854 , bridgewaybh . com
• The Covering House provides refuge and restoration , using the least restrictive environment , for sexually exploited and trafficked children and teens . ( 314 ) 962-3450 , thecoveringhouse . org
• Safe Connections reduces the impact and incidence of relationship violence and sexual assault through education , crisis intervention , counseling and support services . 2165 Hampton Ave , St . Louis , MO 63139 ( 314 ) 646-7500 or 24-hour crisis helpline ( 314 ) 531-2003 , safeconnections . org
• YWCA Metro St . Louis - Women ’ s Resource Center ’ s sexual assault response team works with local police officers , area hospitals , prosecutors and other victim service agencies . Services include crisis intervention , survivor support services , education and advocacy . 3820 West Pine Blvd ., St . Louis , MO 63108 ( 314 ) 531-1115 or sexual assault 24-hour crisis hotline : ( 314 ) 531-7273 , ywcastlouis . org
According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center , sexual violence thrives when it is not taken seriously , and as long as victim blaming continues . The organization has a number of suggestions for ways to raise awareness this month and beyond at nsvrc . org .