Gauteng Smallholder September 2016 | Page 8


Rainfall : Weathermen hedging bets

While last summer ' s El Nino effect , with higher-thanaverage sea surface temperatures in the Central Pacific Ocean , has been measured as deteriorating quickly in recent months , scientists are only cautiously predicting that the

From page 5 for sacrifice ~ very cruel . When releasing white doves ( racing / homing pigeons ) for functions very strict rules apply . No birds are released opposite effect , namely lowerthan-average sea surface temperatures , will develop in the coming season . Should Central Pacific sea surface temperatures drop below average in the next few months ~ the so-called La Nina effect ~ southern

MAILBAG : WHITE DOVES in foul weather , or near overhead wires . The birds must have sufficient free space to be released safely for their take-off . They do not see well in the dark and need hemisphere countries can expect better-than-average rainfall in the coming summer . Last summer ' s El Nino effect was billed as the strongest ever recorded by some climatologists and led to devastating droughts in many southern hemisphere

adequate light for flight , otherwise injuries are likely . Therefore , a time restriction needs to be applied for the safety of the birds . The releasing of white doves at a wedding is very sacred and meaningful to the couple and the comment in the Smallholder that it is for the amusement or comfort of the attendants is a lot of rubbish . It is very special and spiritual for the couple . The white homing / racing pigeon is not readily available countries , including South Africa and neighbouring states . Although rain began falling in appreciable quantities late in the season , it was not enough in many areas to sustain summer crops , the result being that contingency
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for purchase by the public . It is advisable to work through a white dove release company and not to purchase white ringneck doves from a pet shop . Identifying features of racing / homing pigeons are their dark eyes , and large cere ( the lump of white tissue above the beak ). The birds are also larger in size than ringneck doves , which have red eyes and no cere . Shayne Botha Bredell
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