Gauteng Smallholder September 2015 | Page 36

L’ESCARGOTS From page 33 fitted with a sprinkler system which ensures a daily watering, after which dry feed is put out on wooden feed trays which are off the ground above the suspended drops of shade cloth. In this growing method the snails spend nine months from hatchling to harvest. One of the features of snail production is that there is no waste generated, (apart from wash-down water in an indoor growing system), as every part of the harvested snail is usable. Like all living creatures snails are prone to diseases and ailments of which, though hard to believe, stress is one, says Micallef. And, as in all intensive growing operations immediate removal of mortalities and obviously diseased animals is imperative if one is to prevent an outbreak. But for the most part, optimal growing conditions, stringent applica- Cleaned snail shells await filling with cooked snail meat and sauce, tion of hygiene controls and a watchful eye throughout the growing period will keep losses to a minimum. Once they have grown to size snails must be purged so that their alimentary canals are free of grit and partiallydigested food. This is achieved over a ten day postharvest period, following which they are killed, removed from their shells, deslimed and either blanched or cooked through. The shells themselves are cleaned and, if suitable, retained to be refilled with a cooked snail and sauce, to be served up, heated, as a readymade hors d'ouvre. Restaurants will also order blanched or cooked snails, with shells separate, to do their own dishes. Snail meat that is unsuitable 34 for use whole is minced and made into pate. Snail slime finds a ready market among cosmetic manufacturers, particularly as a skin tightening preparation. Cracked or damaged shells are ground up as a chickenfeed additive. Snails are also unique in that their ability to hibernate for long periods means that one can withhold stock to await processing or sale without having to feed them (unlike a broiler chicken, for example, which starts to cost its grower big-time if it is not sold and slaughtered once it reaches its target weight). To hibernate snails is easy: they are simply collected, placed in a porous (string) o bag, and refrigerated at 5 C until required. At the other end of the growth cycle, manipulation is also possible to a degree. Snails hatch from soft, white Continued on page 36