Gauteng Smallholder September 2015 | Page 26

IN THE FIELD From page 22 affects the speed you can work at (generally, the faster you can plough the greater and more consistent will be your throw). There is also the observation that ploughing in sandy soil is better with a disc plough while heavier soils are better ploughed with a mouldboard plough. The degree of lateral swing of the tail of the plough is also noteworthy. Too much swing to the right (when viewed from the tractor) and the toes of the two (or three) shares will not be aligned with the rears of the share in front. As heights off the ground of the two or three shares, and further adjustment to the angle of throw of the plough. The height/depth relationship is set by the hydraulic lift control and, if your plough is fitted with a rear guide wheel, there as well. One of the most common mistakes made by novice ploughmen is to attempt to plough too deep. The plough Illustrating a good throw: Two-share plough operating in very wet soil a result, there will be strips of wasteful because you are not is not the implement one uses unturned soil with each pass maximising the result of each for deep soil working. A plough is designed (and of the plough, one between pass of the plough. the furrows of a two share Once you have experimented should be used) merely to plough and two between the with what works best in your turn over the top 10-15cm of furrows of a three-share. soil and with your tractor, you soil, thus burying the tops of weeds and exposing the roots Conversely, too much swing should not need to change so that the plants die. to the left and the second and the position of the hitching Thus your efforts at controlthird shares will simply be pins again, any further ling the depth of the plough ploughing partially in the adjustment being possible should be aimed at this 10furrow of the share in front. from the tractor itself. 15cm level. Although you can This is useful if you have very The three adjustments heavy soil and an underpow- possible on the tractor are for probably achieve more in lighter, sandy soil, and with a ered tractor that struggles to the overall height of the more powerful tractor. turn a full two or three ploughing effort or, in other The shares, however, must be furrows but in normal words, the depth of the level with the ground when conditions this is simply furrows, for the relative Continued on page 25 24