Gauteng Smallholder October 2016 | Page 24

BEEKEEPING From page 20 He prepares a new brood chamber with ten frames fitted with a 20mm strip of foundation wax. Smoking the parent hive, he removes the super and lid as one unit and places these on a board. This is to confine all the bees in the super that could bother the beekeeper. He then removes the parent hive to another position about three metres away and faces it in another direction. Next he places the new brood chamber in the exact position and facing the same direction as before. He removes four empty frames and sets them aside. During this operation the beekeeper would continually monitor the parent hive with a little smoke quite often. From the parent hive, from one side he removes four frames to be placed into the new brood chamber. As the frames are replaced he inspects each frame. One frame containing honey and pollen must be placed as the outside frame, the second and third frame must contain eggs or very young tiny larva and the fourth frame can be a frame of sealed brood. There must be pollen on one frame and if not, then search from the opposite site of the parent