Gauteng Smallholder October 2016 | Page 22

BEEKEEPING From page 18 queen. The parent hive and the remaining cells will settle quite well and there will be sufficient field force to make a new start. However the beekeeper soon runs out of additional hives and during his continued inspections should he find more than two queen cells in each hive, he must remove these excess cells. In the case of strong swarms these multiple queens escape and take along with them small swarms of a large cup full of bees which depletes a strong swarm with the loss of too bees were hanging and immediately places the queen excluder over the frames and then the lid, which he off-sets to allow the bees to enter the box. A comon sight at this time of year ... a swarm of bees He plugs up the resting before flying to their newly-chosen home two bottom many bees. entrances to confine the But all is not lost as the queen in the brood box. beekeeper catches these small After a short while most of the swarms in small boxes and flying bees will be in the unites them to his weaker brood box, and he closes off queen-headed hives to the lid so that no bees can replace these old queens. escape, loads the box and At the apiary site or at a moves away to another site. private residence the The scout bees will have beekeeper comes upon a already selected a new abode swarm hanging in a tree. and by moving the hive away Armed with an empty brood the scouts are completely box, a step ladder, a bee bamboozled. However should brush, a good quality queen excluder, he shakes or brushes the beekeeper leave the new brood box for a short time, the bees into the box. He places the box on the ground even within the hour, the swarm flies out and resettles under the branch where the 20 in the tree in their original position, but the queen and a small number of bees are caught up in the box behind the queen excluder. After a while, perhaps after a half an hour, the swarm will return to their queen in the box. The beekeeper, during his inspections, will come across a very strong swarm that has not yet decided to swarm off. To prevent swarming off this swarm should be split to create another new swarm. This is a two day exercise. On the first day, the beekeeper smokes and opens the hive and drives all the bees downwards out of the super to be sure that the queen is below in the brood chamber. Over the brood frames he places a good quality queen excluder and replaces the super and lid. The bees will soon return into the super. This is the parent hive. Continued on page 22