Gauteng Smallholder November 2016 | Page 37

From page 33 Rusty and Encore should be used as the leaves can either be grazed or picked for spinach and the seed can be harvested. Plant in full sun and sow directly in the fields when the soil is wet. Planting times are November to early December for hay and mid - December to mid-January for seed. Plant manually, using two to three seeds per hill, or use a mechanical planter. The recommended spacing is 50 to 75 cm between rows and 50 to 70 cm between plants for spreading varieties and 50 cm between rows and 25 to 25 cm for erect and semierect varieties. Traditionally, cowpeas are usually grown under dryland rather than irrigated conditions and they are drought tolerant. Water requirements vary with the crop's growth stage, soil type and weather conditions. Water it regularly if it is grown as a leafy vegetable. The frequency of irrigation depends on the soil type. Although it is possible to grow cowpeas with minimal inputs it is advisable to at least control the Cowpea seeds dry to a variety of colours. insect pests if the crop is planted for seed. The main pests during the growing season are pod sucking bugs (Riptortus spp., Nezara viridula and Acantomia sp.), aphis (Aphis fabae, Aphis craccivora), blister beetle (Mylabris spp.) and pod borer (Maruca vitrata). Cowpeas are susceptible to nematodes and thus should not be planted consecutively on the same land. Cowpeas are also susceptible to viruses, and therefore good quality seed should be used as some viruses are seed borne as well as being transmitted by insects. Cowpeas vary in growth habit from erect or semi-erect types with short (<100 days) growth duration, grown mostly for grain, to longer (>120 days) duration in semi-erect to trailing plants which are normally grown primarily for forage. At maturity, leaves will dry down but may not drop 35 FORAGE off completely. In cowpeas grown for vegetable purposes, the leaves are picked four weeks after planting, and this continues until the plants start to flower. If the crop is grown for seed, harvest when 75-80% of the pods are dry and cut hay when 25% of the pods are coloured. The crop is susceptible to weevil infection in storage, so needs to be stored in a protected place.