Gauteng Smallholder May 2017 | Page 40

POULTRY aggressive. Still, among any given flock, temperament will Amber Link and ISA Brown be influenced more by Layers. pecking order than by If you are keeping chickens for meat, some breeds make genetic tendency. Those higher in the pecking order better roasts than others. Commercial meat birds, such are the more aggressive birds as Ross and Cobb, grow very and those lower in the order are more submissive and fast on good quality, ad lib quantities of broiler feed over docile. 8-10 weeks. These birds can Some breeds are more "flighty" and high-strung than get very big, very fast and others as well. If you have end up looking like body small children, picking a builders. Other broiler particularly "docile" breed breeds include Sussex and might be a good fit. The Cornish. But most smallholders favour Australorps and Brahmas are regarded as docile. dual-purpose breeds, which While there are many will provide eggs and be different breeds available in good-eating. Examples of South Africa, it is often popular general purpose breeds are Australorp, Rhode difficult to find pure-bred chickens. Island Red and White, Buff Orpington, Leghorn and New Starting a chicken flock with Hampshire, all of which have adult birds, though less common than raising chicks, bantam derivatives. is a great way to have a Another factor to consider when choosing your breed is productive coop from day one. But your flock won't be hardiness. This refers to the breed's ability to sustain itself productive if they aren't happy and healthy. When through all conditions, you buy adult chickens for extremes of temperatures, your flock, check for these drought and tougher times, any genetic weaknesses, and signs of a healthy bird and of a reputable breeder or its tendency to forage versus poultry shop: eating feed, often called "thriftiness." Here indigenous K The birds should have breeds come into their own. bright, clear eyes. K They should have clean Breeds include Boschvelder, nostrils, with no discharge. Naked Neck, Venda, Ovambo, Potch Koekoek and K They should breathe with their beaks shut, unless they Natal Game. They also tend have just been chased to be to be dual-purpose. caught or the day is very hot. There are people who choose a breed based on the K The comb and wattles colour of eggs that they lay or should be plump and glossy. K They should not have any on what they look like. This swellings or lumps on the latter factor will of course body. Don't mistake a full count if you want to show crop on the neck for a lump. your fowls. K Their legs should be Other people want hens to smooth, with shiny skin. They raise chicks for them, then smaller breeds such as Silkies will have four or five toes, and Pekins are great mothers depending on the breed. They should not have any and will happily sit on any hatching eggs of your choice swellings or lumps on the bottom of the feet. – these are fertilised eggs K The feathers should look which you can buy from a smooth, and there should be breeder. no large patches of bare skin. Lastly, you might want to consider the temperament of Look carefully through the feathers for lice or mites. the breed. Breeds are K The birds should be alert. described as docile or From page 37 38