Gauteng Smallholder March 2017 | Page 45

From page 42
Keep ground clear of leaf and bark litter . Studies have shown that leaf and twig litter , especially twigs of pencil thickness , play an important role in initiating the combustion of buildings , often after the main fire front has passed through . Although no plant is fireproof , many plants have features that minimise the extent to which they contribute to the spread of veld fires . Well-watered plants will not burn as readily as those that are not well maintained . Landscaping with fire retardant plants or plants that re-sprout after a fire is part of an overall fire defence plan . Choose from a range of firewise plants , many of which are indigenous . Plants with fleshy , moistureretaining leaves and plants with underground roots and tubers can survive fires . Citrus , coprosma , ice plants , sedum , echeveria and kalanchoe , with their high moisture content , burn more slowly . The leaves , stems or roots of succulents have been adapted to store nutrients and water . Aloes have a low flammability because of their fleshy leaves . Old aloe leaves should be removed to lessen the risk of fire . Three trailing plants that are useful for covering soil are Othonna capensis with tiny yellow flowers , Convolvulus sabatius and Aptenia cordifolia with fleshy bright green leaves and small red flowers . Some plants grow in such a way that they cover the soil . Agapanthus do this well , and because of their strong root system , help prevent erosion by binding soil . Other bulbs to use are Tulbaghia and watsonia . According to biodiversity and plant expert Kay Montgomery , Bergenia cordifolia isamuch under-rated plant . It has large evergreen , leathery leaves that hug the ground and attractive pink flowers . For hedge plant choose from Krantz aloe , tick berry ( Chrysanthemoides
monilifera ), dune crowberry ( Searsia crenata) and camphor bush ( Tarchonanthus camphoratus ). A useful tree for the perimeter is the Halleria lucida ( tree fuchsia ) which is quick growing with pretty flowers and glossy bright leaves . You can also investigate Cape holly ( Ilex mitis), rooiels ( Cunonia capensis) if you have a shady spot near water and Cape beech ( Rapanaea melanophloeos ).


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