Gauteng Smallholder July 2016 | Page 46


Additions to your nature library

Here are some newlypublished works that should feature on the bookshelves of any nature-aware smallholder . ❑ The Pocket Guide : Insects of South Africa by Charles Griffiths and Mike Picker covers both common and interesting insects from South Africa , making it possible to identify a wide range of local species . Some 431 insects are featured , many of which we may have spotted in our houses and gardens . Each is described with its key identification features , a colour photograph and distribution map . An illustrated quick reference guide on the inside front and back covers makes it quick and easy to navigate to the right insect group . It is published by Struik Nature and the recommended price is R150 . ❑ The third revised edition of Making the most of Indigenous Trees by Fanie and Julye-Ann Venter is now available from Briza

Publications . This valuable guide to indigenous trees should be within reach of every gardener , farmer , naturalist , nurseryman , forester and conservationist – in fact , anyone with a love and appreciation of trees . This edition contains 22 more tree species . The 163 tree species are alphabetically arranged according to the botanical name , illustrated with more than 850 photographs in full colour and discussed in detail . The following information is provided : ❑ An introduction section on tree propagation by seed , cuttings and truncheons . ❑ A detailed species description , diagnostic features , natural distribution and habitat . ❑ The ecological role and utilisation by mammals , birds and insects . ❑ Economic value and use by people , including use in gardens and on the farm , as a source of food for humans
and animals , fibre and medicine . ❑ Properties of the wood and its utilisation by people . ❑ Specific guidelines on propagation and cultivation of each species . ❑ A map indicating the distribution of each species . ❑ More than 850 carefully selected colour photographs complement and illustrate the text . A table on the utilisation of indigenous trees by wildlife , references for further reading and an index to the common and botanical names are included . To order contact the publishers on 012 329-3896 .
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