Gauteng Smallholder July 2016 | Page 41

From page 38 A business plan is not only necessary when you are looking for financial assistance or for initiating a business start-up - it should be an evolving working document that is reviewed regularly and adapted to the business circumstances as and when the internal and external environment changes. A good plan maps the course of action to achieve your business goals and aspirations; it is the operational tool that directs each and every step in the business. Manage your cash flow Ensuring that you have sufficient to pay the initial bills, and managing your debtors and creditors is vital. Collect your cash as fast as you can, and don't pay anybody until they ask you to ~ that should be the mantra of the small business owner. Cash flow is affected by speed and volume ~ how much OPEN FOR BUSINESS a market in the gap? You A good business plan is the operational tool might have identified a that directs each and every step in the product or a service that is business. not being provided, but you money flows into and out of your account and how quickly. Ensuring that there is sufficient cash to begin with is imperative if one is to survive the first few months or even years in business. So, when you are preparing the initial business model you should not only calculate how much capital you require for the purchase of machinery, stock and raw materials, but also how much you need to fund the cash flow. How much is enough? The simple rule of thumb is to work out how much you think you will need ~ then triple it! Some knowledge of or research into the norms in one's chosen business should be the starting point. Marketing strategy Your marketing strategy is a process that can allow a business venture to concentrate its limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. A marketing strategy should be centred on the key concept that customer satisfaction is the main goal. Without customers you will not survive or exist. Possible questions to ask when formulating a good marketing strategy: K Are you growing your business or are you entering into a new market? K When and how will you sell your products? K What gives you the competitive edge, how will you penetrate the market? K Is there a gap in the market? K Most importantly – is there 39 must be sure that you have buyers for what you are offering. K Do you already have a market before you start your business? This provides critical information to a financier for a decision to be taken on a Continued on page 40