Gauteng Smallholder July 2016 | Page 15

Daff manual for Bankrupt bush control


Indigenous , but undesirable

Daff manual for Bankrupt bush control

By now , everybody must be aware of the various categories of alien invader plants ( and other species ) that we are supposed to remove and destroy , or otherwise manage , on our properties . Less wellknown , however , are those indigenous plants that can destroy a productive environment , especially productive pasture . Among these is Seriphium plumosum , also known as Stoebe vulgaris , but commonly known as bankrupt bush or bankrotbos ( because if you let it grow rampantly on your land it will bankrupt you ), which has been quietly spreading throughout the country , including in Gauteng , it has been growing under the noses of those who have been focussing their efforts on the alarming spread of such much more attractive and colourful aliens as pompom weed and mexican poppy . Bankrupt bush is a woody dwarf shrub that can grow up to 1m high and is really built for survival . The large crown may easily cover an area of 1m ², over-shadowing and pushing out all other species , especially grasses that need to compete with the extensive root system for water and nutrients . The very small leaves restrict transpiration to a minimum while the grey to bluish colour reflects the harsh rays of the sun .

Unpleasant smelling volatile oils keep away any browsers and fine seeds are distributed by the wind in their millions , which can lie dormant in the soil for more than five years . Growing points situated just beneath the soil surface ensure the survival of the plant against any fires or above-ground damage . Bankrupt bush occurs in a wide area with a mean annual rainfall from 550mm to 800mm . It usually prefers well drained slopes , but in some cases will also encroach into wetter areas and areas with slightly higher clay content . The plants are sensitive to salt as well as high levels of
Mature bankrupt bush nitrogen or soils with a high organic content . Bankrupt bush is however an opportunistic encroacher that will firstly populate open areas , for example old
Continued on page 15
Close-up of flowers ( larger , browngreen ) and leaves ( small , greyblue ) on woody stems
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