Gauteng Smallholder July 2015 | Page 8

NEWS Farmers’ academy graduation A round 100 aspirant farmers, both men and women, young and old, graduated from the Buhle Farmers' Academy near Delmas last month, part of the 500 students that Buhle trains each year. Started in 2000, Buhle offers a range of courses in various agricultural pursuits, the core of which are four covering crop production, livestock production, poultry, and vegetable growing. The academy is based on a working farm close to the town so students gain handson experience in their chosen field, as well as theoretical knowledge. In addition, each course includes an environ- mental management section, as well as basic business skills. The idea is that a Buhle graduate will have the necessary technical and practical knowledge to make a success of a small farming venture after completing his or Buhle director Neil de Smidt addresses the her training. To this end graduation ceremony an important additional The courses offered are component of Buhle's residential in nature and activities is to offer follow-up Buhle attracts students from support to graduates once all over South Africa and also they establish their busiwithin the region. The four nesses. In the pipeline, too, is main courses last from two a smartphone app that will months (the poultry course) keep graduates in touch with to nine months for the crop the academy and one production course. Other another, and will be used to short courses are also offered, quickly offer support in the over periods of three to five case of problems with crops, days, for example in project pests, disease etc. It is also management, tractor expected to provide graduate operation and maintenance, farmers with electronic access and hydroponics. to marketing information etc. Continued on page 8 6