Gauteng Smallholder Gauteng Smallholder September 2017 | Page 38


Good care makes for better lambs

Careful management of ewes while they are pregnant and after they have given birth will make sure that they and their lambs are strong and healthy . Ewes can fall pregnant from eight months . However , experience shows that it is better to wait until they are a year old , when they are mature enough physically to cope better with pregnancy and delivery and they are better able to care for their lambs . During the ewe ' s pregnancy , do not handle her too frequently . Ewes should not be stressed particularly during their last trimester . Groups should be kept stable . If you can , separate the advanced pregnant ewes from the main flock and take effective care in their feeding and management . The gestation period , ie the length of the pregnancy, is 145 to 152 days , depending on the breed . Extra feed during the latter part of pregnancy ( three to four weeks before birth ) will be beneficial for the condition

36 www . sasmallholder . co . za of the ewes , and so will help in improving milk production , along with the birth weight and growth of lambs . Approximately 70 % of foetal growth occurs during the last four to six weeks of pregnancy . Most of the ewe ' s mammary ( udder ) growth is occurring during this period . In addition , her rumen capacity is decreasing . The primary result is the need for increased feed , primarily a more nutrient-dense diet . During late gestation , energy ( TDN ) is the nutrient most likely to be deficient . Extra nutrition is needed to support foetal growth , especially if there are multiple foetuses involved . Extra feed is needed to support mammary development and ensure a plentiful milk supply . Extra nutrition will prevent the occurrence of pregnancy toxaemia ( ketosis ). It will ensure the birth of strong , healthy lambs that aren ' t too big and aren ' t too small . Birth weight is highly correlated to lamb survival . We also need to make sure that the ewe is getting the right minerals and vitamins , such as selenium , zinc , salt , magnesium , phosphate , copper , manganese , calcium , along with vitamins A and E . Ask at your feed store for a mineral supplement . Often they are molasses based , but you might also find a lick that meets your needs . Inadequate and poor nutrition may result in pregnancy toxaemia , abortions and premature births of weak lambs . Bring lambing ewes into lambing corals four to six days before parturition and provide maximum comfort . If possible , provide soft , clean bedding and individual lambing pens . Save parturient ewes from
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