Gauteng Smallholder Gauteng Smallholder November 2011 | Page 37

IN THE ORCHARD From page 33 biological weathering, because mycobionts can break down rocks and release minerals by producing certain chemicals. This is an essential step for the formation of primitive soils. In some countries lichen provides forage for certain animals. Lichens are also very useful in monitoring pollution. They absorb pollutants such as heavy metals, carbon and sulphur into their thalli. Scientists then extract these pollutants in order to assess the levels present in the atmosphere. Fruit trees are no strangers to bouts of fungus and lichens growing on the trunk, foliage and branches. However, lichens are not parasitic and won't harm the tree. Lichens grow on trees that are declining, so their appearance on your fruit tree is a sign something might be wrong with the tree. maintaining their vigour goes a long way to prevent lichens from growing on a plant. Proper growing conditions and soil fertility can stimulate plant growth and inhibit lichens. Lightly pruning limbs covered with lichens, at the right time of the year, can help prevent the spread of these organisms and stimulate the fruit tree's growth. Lichen on a bough of an apricot tree. While lichens generally don't harm the tree, too much lichen can result in poor growing conditions for the fruit tree. For example, lichens or fungus growing on the leaves can interfere with the photo synthesis process, while a thick growth of lichens on stems could add extra weight that results in damage to twigs. Generally though, lichens are nothing to be concerned about in small numbers and actually provide various benefits. The larvae of lacewings, which are benefi- cial predatory insects that prey on undesirable pests, use lichens as camouflage. Several species of birds and small mammals also use lichens as nesting material. Lichens typically only affect the appearance of the fruit trees, and that is why you may want to remove it. There are no chemicals that can be used against lichens, so you will have to physically remove them, being careful not to damage the bark of the host. Better still, focus on preven- tion of lichen. Keeping the fruit trees healthy and 35