Gauteng Smallholder Gauteng Smallholder August 2017 | Page 25

IN THE FIELD From page 21 plants are weakened and die from heavy grazing). Sadly, most smallholder pastures are overgrazed, particularly if the landowner keeps horses. Studies have shown that 66% of South Africa's rangeland is in various stages of degrada- tion, threatening sustainable vegetation, livestock and wildlife production. Decreasers not only tend to die out, firstly in veld which is too heavily grazed, but also where grazing is extremely lenient and fire is excluded, or where grazing is selective. The species composition of the veld should influence the number of animals you graze on it. Veld condition assessment is of little value if it is not linked to veld management which, in turn, is linked to balancing the needs of the livestock with the needs of the vegetation. It helps to know the grazing habits of the livestock in relation to the change in the pasture quality during different seasons. Veld management also includes resting of veld. The frequency and duration of these rests will depend on the nature and condition of the veld, whether the veld is grazed by cattle, horses or sheep. We should also give some thought to multi-species grazing, which has many advantages. Each species differs in the way it grazes and what it prefers to eat, so you can increase forage utilisation. Each species favours certain plants and if you have them together in the same field most of the plants will be evenly grazed. Grazing multiple species can also decrease undesirable plant populations and mixed grazing helps in the manage- ment of internal parasites. Research has shown that mixed grazing results in earlier weaning and increased lamb performance as well as increased body weight of ewes. sometimes a danger of diseases being passed from You can also consider one species to another. keeping ducks with pigs, as the ducks will benefit by The degrading process of titbits found where pigs have grazing is very slow and by been rooting. the time it is evident, the damage is already done. However, there are some other factors that need to be Likewise, rehabilitation of veld is costly and also a slow managed. Different species have varying process. fencing requirements; the mineral requirements of the different species vary, so the use of lick blocks will be problematic; there is 23 www.sasma