Gauteng Smallholder February 2018 | Page 43

ENVIRONMENT Recycling: How much do you do? I f you are lucky enough to have municipal rubbish removal in your area take a drive around the streets on rubbish collection day and marvel at the amount of stuff your neighbours throw away. Outside many gates you will find overflowing dustbins surrounded by heaps of oversized cardboard, polystyrene and bags of waste. Reduce your landfill waste to a fraction. Here!s how... If, indeed, this is the case outside your own gate you could be doing a great deal more to recycle, thereby putting usable waste back into the production stream and reducing the amount of matter than finishes up in landfills. For by adopting a few simple It’s the little things that count ... Medicine boxes and toilet roll inners accumulating over time for recycling recycled. The same goes for the boxes in which cosmetics are steps in the home you can purchased. reduce your actual household The point is that this is not a rubbish volume to no more quick-fix, and it’s sensible to than half a black bag a week. have a box handy in which to Here are some tips. put the empty containers as K Paper and cardboard – they happen, so that in time Are you on chronic medica- you will accumulate a tion? In which case you meaningful quantity. Or, probably collect a monthly Continued on page 43 supply of pills which, if they come from a commercial pharmacy (rather than from a government hospital or clinic) will be supplied in little cardboard boxes. And within the cardboard boxes will be a paper package insert giving details of the medication, dosage, side effects etc. After you have read the package insert once with your first round of medication, subsequent inserts become superfluous. And can be 41