Gauteng Smallholder February 2017 | Page 50


Preserve peppers and chillies for winter

Members of the Capiscum family can be most rewarding to grow and a smallholder can use various methods to preserve the generous harvest of peppers and chillies for use out of season . Nowadays there is a much greater variety of peppers , but most of them can be preserved using the

Dried chillies on a string ... attractive kitchen sight
same methods . Bell peppers are eaten when they are still green or they are left to ripen , turning yellow or red . A popular way to preserve them is to roast them whole . Roasting kills any enzymes in the peppers that might deteriorate them over time , as well as softening and sweetening the peppers and getting rid of the indigestible skins . Roast or grill whole peppers until they begin to blacken on all sides , turning them frequently with tongs . When the skin is well blistered with some black spots , quickly move the hot peppers to an empty pot with a tight-fitting lid , and let them steam there for fifteen minutes . Most of the skins will slip off after the peppers cool . When cut into strips and frozen , you have succulent roasted peppers for winter dishes . Roast peppers can also be preserved in sterilised jars with a little salt , vinegar and oil . If you want to freeze the peppers whole it is best to blanch them by placing them in boiling water for a minute and then iced water for another minute , drain them and pat them dry with paper towel . When they are cool put them in freezer bags , label and freeze . Peppers can be stuffed before freezing , then reheated in the oven when partially thawed . Slices of pepper can be dried in a drier , although chillies are better for drying . Peppers also pickle well , either sliced or whole . Using different coloured peppers makes an attractive product . Wide-mouthed Consol jars will be best , otherwise use whatever jars you have , as long as the pepper will fit into them . Sterilize the jars by pouring a small amount of water into each and then heating them in the microwave for five minutes . Leave them to drain upside down in a warm oven . Wash the peppers and slice
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