Gauteng Smallholder February 2017 | Page 45

From page 42
of fencing you might need some explanation of the terminology : A post is a solid wooden pole or , more commonly , a hollow steel tube , which is placed vertically into the ground . It might also be made of concrete or , in some rural areas with abundant stone , of hewn rock . A straining post is a strong post which is used to hold the tension in the main horizontal wires . When it is placed at a corner it is called a corner
post . They are usually 10cm in diameter . A gate post is a strong post to which a gate will be attached . A stay is a thinner post set at a diagonal between the upright corner post or straining post , to ensure that the tension in the horizontal wire does not pull the post out of the perpendicular . There is an art to setting a stay correctly in relation to the vertical pole . A standard is an intermediate post which is used to maintain the height and rigidity of the fence . They are usually made
of metal and they also go into the ground . A dropper is another intermediate item which is not fastened to the ground . Its purpose is also to maintain the height and rigidity of the fence , but they are important in preventing wires from pulling apart or preventing the fence from flopping . They are thinner and can be made of steel , thatching lath or even bamboo . Galvanized wire is wire that


has been coated in zinc , which protects wire and metal products from rust . According to the ARC Institute for Agricultural Engineering , a good fence should have the following features : ❑ It should be in a perfectly straight line from straining post to straining post , with all the post standards standing in perfect alignment . ❑ The straining , corner and
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“ Good fences make good neighbours ”
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