Gauteng Smallholder December 2015-January 2016 | Page 36

ALTERNATIVE AGRICULTURE From page 32 organism. Steiner also suggested timing such agricultural activities as sowing, weeding and harvesting to utilise the influences on plant growth of the moon and planets, as he believed that the whole of the universe, ie, the planet earth and the whole surrounding cosmic space with all its heavenly bodies, forms one indivisible whole and should be managed as such. Biodynamic farmers use a range of specially formulated herbal and/or organic preparations to enhance soil, plant and animal life, fertility prepared on its own (mixture of 1 tablespoon of quartz powder to 250 liters of and vitality. Steiner prescribed nine water). This brings a 'light different preparations to aid Biodynamic principles are effect' to the plants. It is fertilisation. He believed that sprayed over the aerial part of similar to those defined above, in that the proponents these preparations mediated the plants and "draws the constantly work at building up terrestrial and cosmic forces plants upwards". The mixture into the soil. The prepared soil humus content and use is sprayed under very low substances are numbered 500 pressure over the crop during no artificial fertilisers or to 508, where the first two pesticides, opting rather to the wet season, in an attempt work towards sustainability by are used for pre