Gauteng Smallholder December 2015-January 2016 | Page 34

ALTERNATIVE AGRICULTURE From page 30 promoting soil life, and balancing the soil's minerals. These terms mean using natural systems to improve soil structure, control weeds, pests, and diseases, and improve crop quality. K Traditional farming is an indigenous practice of cultivating land to produce crops, breeding, and raising livestock while managing natural resources in order to produce nutritious and continual food supply without external contribution, but using self-reliance and locally available resources. K Biodynamic agriculture is a worldwide movement that uses an approach to sustainable agriculture based on the Anthroposophy philosophy of Rudolf Steiner. His approach is based on a spiritual understanding of man's connection to the earth and cosmos and the concept of a self-contained farm individuality. Biodynamic agriculture differs from many forms of organic agriculture in its spiritual, mystical, and astrological orientation. Two of the compounds used to improve soil spiritually in the biodynamic system as described in the text. Left: Chamomile Right: A cow’s horn filled with manure 32 A central aspect of biodynamics is that the farm as a whole is seen as an organism, and therefore should be a largely selfsustaining system, producing its own manure and animal feed. Plant or animal disease is seen as a symptom of problems in the whole Continued on page 34