Gauteng Smallholder December 2015-January 2016 | Page 32

ALTERNATIVE AGRICULTURE Sustainable biodynamic organic permaculture P eople are quick to use terms such as “organic” and “sustainable” when it comes to agricultural practices and products, yet often the labels have not truly been earned. K Organic farming refers to the type of farming that is done without the use synthetic chemicals such as pesticides, fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides or Know you terminology? in natural ecologies. In permaculture, practitioners genetically modified seeds. Also, to be certified as organic learn from the working farmers must be able to prove systems of nature to plan to Organic farmers use a range fix the damaged landscapes that not only were their of techniques that help production methods organic, of human and agricultural sustain ecosystems and systems. Permaculture but that their production reduce pollution, while practitioners apply everything inputs (eg feed and plant improving both the producdeemed necessary to build a nutrients such as manure) are tion and quality of nutrition, sustainable future. organic as well. linked to improved social and K Biological farming focuses K Sustainable agriculture is economic viability. particularly on the soil: it is a the efficient production of In the case of plant producsystem that uses nature and tion it involves the use of crop safe, high quality agricultural science to build the quality of products, in a way that rotation, natural methods, the soil with the understandprotects and improves the composting, approved ing that healthy soil will be environmentally friendly pest natural environment, the able to support healthy crops social and economic condicontrol and homeopathic and livestock. tions of farmers, their remedies to produce food employees and local commu- It takes advantage of natural that is free of all artificial processes, which promote nities, and safeguards the additives. In case of animal good soil, healthy crops, and production, the animals raised health and welfare of all healthy animals. These farmed species. on organic farms must be K And what about permacul- natural processes include allowed to range as freely as crop rotations; best tillage ture? Permaculture is an possible and eat only methods; growing green approach towards designing organically produced feeds. manures; proper livestock human settlements and Most critically, organic food manure use; reducing toxins; agricultural systems that production is based on mimic the relationships found genuinely sustainable systems. Continued on page 32 30