Gauteng Smallholder December 2015-January 2016 | Page 25

LIVESTOCK Sheep are among ment, with the major the most-stolen of difference being that they are all livestock and so more intelligent and inquisimust be kept tive and so require very wellunder lock and kept fencing and gates to key at night. contain them. In commercial Goats are kept for their skins, Dorpers make good mothers, have a high multiple- terms there are meat and milk and are birth rate and are kept for their meat. sheep breeds particularly useful therefore From page 21 especially for wool, breeds for people who are allergic to quality animals in the belief especially for meat and dual- cow's milk. that you will upgrade as time purpose breeds. On a K Pigs, by virtue of the bygoes on. Experience shows smallholding the small laws surrounding their that that's unlikely to happen numbers would make it housing, are not found in and you will be condemned uneconomic to keep the great numbers on smaller to keeping rubbish animals. animals for wool, so dualsmallholdings. That's because Rather start small and set out purpose and meat breeds are the regulations state that pig to buy a top-quality ram and more popular. If the a couple of quality ewes, join idea of slaughtering the appropriate breed society, your own animals learn a bit about breeding doesn't appeal you can and genetics. This may mean take your surplus stock making contact with a to one of the lamb commercial stud farmer and abattoirs in your area or transporting in your stock you can breed purely from many miles away, or for sale of live animals. buying from a breed auction, K Goats are similar to rather than buying animals sheep in their husOn a small plot, to remain legal you will be locally. bandry and managerestricted to keeping a potbelly pig as a pet 23 enclosures may be no closer than 100m from any dwelling or boundary fence and it is thus unlikely that one can site a pigsty within these parameters on a property of less than five or six hectares. Pigs are the most intelligent and inquisitive ~ and persistent ~ of all small stock species and if a sow or a boar sees something that interests it outside of its field it will dig its way under, or push its way through, any fence it encoun- Continued on page 24