Gauteng Smallholder August 2016 | Page 44

IN THE ORCHARD In recent years it has been proved that pruning citrus can On those branches not be beneficial for fruit required as part of the production when it is done in foundation, cut each one such a way as to let more back to four buds. Shorten pruned shoots after harvesting light penetrate the canopy of the tree. The conventional the fruit in the late summer. wisdom is to always prune This will encourage the new after fruiting, but there have season's growth. It is also been experiments in comhelpful to remove any mercial orchard conditions branches that are not which prove that lemon trees producing plums. pruned in summer showed an K Lemon trees increase in yield. Carry out many smaller branch prunings, rather than removing just a few larger branches. Aim to have four to six well-positioned, scaffold branches by the first year of bearing. Scaffold branches are branches that grow laterally from a tree trunk and that provide the framework of the mature tree. In subsequent years, remove 'extra' scaffold branches and thorny water shoots, as well as any suckers. K Aftercare From page 40 After pruning, paint the large