Gauteng Smallholder August 2016 | Page 22

HISTORY have been Koolspruit (a brook being a small stream or “indigenous” breed of pigs spruit). However, it became named the Colebrook. (A Kolbroek, which translates more prosaic origin of the back into English as Colebrook breed is that they “spotpants”. were introduced by Portuguese traders in the 15th But back to the False Bay Century, having been brought seaside of yesteryear: Collecting whatever flotsam to the Cape from China). they could from the wreck, If one follows the shipwreck the survivors set off up the version, here a quirk of coast towards Gordon's Bay, translation creeps in: “Cole” and then directly across the in middle English, means Cape Flats, on foot, towards cabbage (as in coleslaw = Cape Town, at the time under cabbage salad). So when the Dutch control. name was translated into Learning that the ship had Afrikaans it should, directly, been carrying, in part, military cargo, the Dutch authorities launched a salvage party, naming (in a fit of spectacular linguistic misunderstanding) the spot where the Colebrooke had foundered “Kogel Baai”. In time, the area of the HottentotsHolland Mountains immediately behind the beach became known as the Kogelberg and, being a region From