Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine October 2015 | Page 33

Explore | Masterclass 31 Above the Mist by Ricardo Matiello One morning, a dense fog formed – which is very rare in Brazil. I decided to try to take the picture but had no idea how it was up there, because the only thing I could see were clouds hiding the buildings. The Cathedral of Maringá is a symbol of the city and stands at an impressive 124m in height. I flew the drone a few metres up until it disappeared in the fog, and soon after flew it back down because I could not fly it without visual contact. When I accessed the camera’s memory, I was amazed by the beautiful day above the clouds, and to my surprise, I was able to take the exact picture I was hoping for. This photo won first prize in two categories: Places and Popular Prizes (most-liked photo). Di satu pagi, kabut tebal tampak turun. Hal yang langka di Brasil. Saya putuskan untuk mengabadikan suasana tersebut tanpa tahu bagaimana di atas sana, karena yang bisa saya lihat hanyalah awan yang menghalangi gedung. Cathedral of Maringá adalah ikon kota setinggi 124 m. Saya menerbangkan drone beberapa meter ke atas hingga menghilang di balik kabut, dan tak lama kembali turun karena saya tak bisa terbang tanpa bisa melihat apa pun. Ketika saya membuka memori kamera, saya sendiri takjub dengan pemandangan di atas awan, dan kaget sekali, ternyata foto yang ada tepat seperti yang saya inginkan. Foto ini memenangkan dua kategori: “Places” dan “Popular Prizes” (foto paling disukai). The Drone Revolution Who is the drone hobbyist today? The most drone-occupied skies Based on Dronestagram data, the average drone hobbyist is a 30- to 50-year-old male.. Berdasarkan data Dronestagram, rata-rata penghobi drone adalah pria usia 30-50. According to sales figures, the USA leads the world in drone air traffic. Dari hasil penjualan, AS merupakan negara terdepan di dunia dalam penggunaan drone. Drone’s best friend The GoPro 3 Hero+ Black Edition is the most common drone camera attachment. GoPro 3 Hero+ Black Edition adalah kamera yang paling sering digunakan pada drone photography.