Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine October 2015 | Page 143

Travel | Birding in Paradise BIRD-OF-PARADISE MEASURED Food The Greater bird of Paradise The greater bird-of-paradise is the largest member in the genus Paradisaea, with males measuring up to 43cm (17in) (excluding the long twin tail wires). The female is smaller, at only 35cm (14in). Burung cenderawasih besar adalah spesies terbanyak dari genus Paradisaea, di mana jantannya berukuran 43 cm (kecuali cenderawasih ekor kawat). Betinanya berukuran lebih kecil, hanya 35 cm. 141 Male size 43cm Fruits and berries are the most common food sources for the bird-ofparadise. However, some species also consume lots of insects as well as spiders. Buah dan beri adalah makanan utama burung cenderawasih. Tetapi ada sejumlah spesies yang memakan serangga seperti laba-laba. Ribbon-tailored Astrapia The ribbon-tailed astrapia, also known as Shaw Mayer’s astrapia (Astrapia mayeri), is a species of bird-of-paradise. The ribbon-tailed astrapia is distributed and endemic to subalpine forests in the western part of the central highlands of Papua New Guinea. Astrapia ekor pitta atau dikenal dengan Astrapia mayeri adalah jenis cenderawasih yang menyebar dan endemik di hutan pinus di barat dataran tinggi Papua New Guinea. Habitat Male size 32cm Male size 22cm Wilson’s bird-of-paradise The Wilson’s bird-of-paradise (Cicinnurus respublica) is a species of passerine bird of the family Paradisaeidae. An Indonesian endemic, the Wilson’s bird-ofparadise is distributed to the hill and lowland rainforests of Waigeo and Batanta islands off West Papua. The centre of bird-of-paradise diversity is the large island of New Guinea; all but two genera are found there. Pusat segala jenis burung cenderawasih adalah New Guinea. Hanya dua jenis cenderawasih yang tak ada di sini. Burung cenderawasih Wilson (Cicinnurus respublica) adalah jenis passerine dari keluarga Paradisaeidae. Endemik di Indonesia, burung ini ada di hutan hujan Waigeo dan Kepulauan Batanta di sekitar Papua Barat. up to 21cm Behaviour King of Saxony bird-of-paradise The King of Saxony (Pteridophora alberti) is a member of the bird-ofparadise family (Paradisaeidae). It is the only member in the monotypic genus Pteridophora. It is endemic to montane forest in New Guinea. Adult males are territorial. The male guards its territory from perches placed in the tops of tall trees, and from these perches sings to compete with males in neighbouring territories. King of Saxony (Pteridophora alberti) masih kerabat cenderawasih (Paradisaeidae). Satu-satunya anggota jenis Pteridophora. Endemik di hutan New Guinea. Burung jantan dewasa bersifat teritorial. Mereka menjaga daerahnya dengan bertengger di pucuk pohon tinggi dan berkicau untuk memberi tahu burung jantan lainnya di dekatnya. Birds-of-paradise tend to be isolated creatures that live alone. They will only spend time around each other when it is time for mating. Burung jenis ini termasuk penyendiri. Mereka menghabiskan waktu bersama-sama saat musim kawin.