Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine October 2014 | Page 111

Travel 109 Inside October’s Travel Section Tana Toraja Lying sprawled between Borneo and Papua New Guinea is the world’s 11th-largest island, the oddly shaped landmass of Sulawesi, home to the most ethnically diverse peoples found anywhere. 124 Di antara Kalimantan dan Papua Nugini, terbentanglah pulau terbesar ke-11 di dunia. Daratan Sulawesi yang berbentuk unik ini memiliki etnis paling beragam. Rote Rote is a particularly alluring gem among the natural treasures of the Lesser Sunda Islands, for its simple magic and beauty are as apparent as its epic surf and the inviting warmth of its people. 136 148 Rote merupakan “permata” yang berada di jajaran Kepulauan Sunda Kecil, dengan daya tariknya berupa gulungan ombak besar yang pas untuk berselancar dan penduduknya yang ramah. Seattle It wasn’t really a war. The skirmish was the equivalent of siblings arguing over who got the larger serving of dessert. But the fact that it happened at all underscores how much we care about salmon here in Seattle. Bukan perang, sebenarnya. Lebih seperti perdebatan sengit, siapa yang mendapatkan bagian kue lebih besar. Tetapi semua perdebatan itu hanyalah bukti betapa pentingnya salmon bagi kami di Seattle ini.