Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine October 2013 | Page 216

214 Mandarin Section | 㺲㢶⊔ Welcome to our dedicated Mandarin section of Colours magazine, brought to you by PT. Bank ICBC Indonesia. ⪎㱕⹂☡᮶&RORXUV᮷㴹㺠☨㽈㗮㺲㢶⊓ⶹᮣ 〉⏩➶㱱㺲⥖⤀㔈㯢㨾ᱤ㱉ㅧᱥ㱸㦎⤇㙶㵄㻜ᮣ 㽂㯌㖼㦞 ☫⫒㍰㎫⤴⍁ㆀ☨㗐⫒ 㦆■⧗ⶥ㋹㵀⧶▙⒴⛪㔋㮪ⶏ㣐㦏♋⏒⹂㺖㨾 㻐✂㑌㣣ᱨ⺋㑥⻶⿱ⶨ㺨㚶ᮢ☠⧗⧧ⶨ㺨⫒⏿ ▙㋺ᮣ㗐⫒➂㔠☨㣐㦏♋⏒⶙㮾㫻㺺⡧㑃㸆㨗 ⤂ㅢ☨㸡⒋㴱㨾ᮣ 㺲㢶⊔ Mandarin Section 〉㋜ㅠ㑛ᱶ ⿍㱶㎷㗀 Ⱗ╋㨰㥺㖼㣡㱨㴜㗁⿍㱶☨㾎⭧⹻ 㱱ᮣ㣄わ☨㴹㺠⯿▞⿍㨾⭨わ⼸⿞ⶱ 任⒉㚱ᮢ㖫圶⫆⛑⧧㺷⭁㑆⊟ᮣ 㐸☞㺐⿍᮪᮪⼢⵸☞ 㱉⛪ㅧ㣩㫳☨ⶖ㄰✂☞㯜㱝㱸㢷ッ䧞 䧋㟠ッ⳰压ⶖ㄰✂⽆✚㢷ッᱨ⳯╱㣮 㯧㽥⢕⥖㱶⶝㍰㠭ᮣ㐹✚ᱨ⭁㔕㱸㑉 ⪹㽂㯌㮥㈘☨⼦⳥⼢⵸☞ᮣ⿷⶛ˆ㮫 ⟒⺉╹㟠㬥㱝㱸㩅⏺ⶖ㄰✂⽆☨⼢⵸ ☞➂⪰⌔☤ᮣ ㆀ⫊㩛ゃ㱸㯌㖰☡ᱨ⭊㖳ㆀ☨㗐⫒╌㲂▣⫒㽔 㜢ᱨ㚴㑒㐹㵀➂㔠ⓞ㮥㺸♋╫㨳⧟ᱨ㮾╱㦢㣐 㦏㠬⿱☨⭜㚛⫒㖸㯌㽴⭐㸡⫆㴤ᮢ⶙㮾⌧⻶⿱ ☡ᮣ☕㱸㑉⢖ㆀ▘♋⪈⫊➂㚅⛮㦫㥒㖫ᱨ㣐㦏 㠬⿱☼ギ㷢☨➂㔠㋹⪹⧧ㆀ☨㗐⫒⻶⿱ᱨ㸆㖫 ㆀ㗐⫒㚱➂ⓞ☨♋╫㨳⧟ⳟ⢚⭩㍿⼞ᮣ 㖼㖯㔋ᱨ㮥☍➩⫒㋲➩⏌㈄㔹☡㫞⧗⡽⛪ᱨ⭊ 㖳ㆀ⵺㽥㗐⫒ᱨ㚴㮜㨼㟠㩗㔤ᱨ㯜㢜➩⫒⹹㣐 㦏㠬⿱☼ギ㷢㖯㵀㜡㴜⼗ᮣ⭩㺐➩⫒☨㮰⛑㚑 ⛪⭁ⶼᱨⳟ㚛㣐㦏㠬⿱⹽☨㮥⢔⭜㚛⫒㸊☨⛖ ␖☡ㆀ㗐⫒☨▌㵀⏌⿆㑩㥥㟧ᱨ㲓╱㟠㖫ㆀ☨ ♋⪈㮜㮻ⲿ⹹⵺⼗⡡⭜㚛⫒☨㔠⒴ᮣ㴿㸃ᱨ㑥 ⥗ㆀ☨㗐⫒╌㲂⫆㴤㽔㜢ᱨ㚴⪹⏥⛱➂ⓞㅢ㫻 㺺⡧㑃⧧㚨⪍⧗ⶥ㋹⏮☨♋╫㨳⧟ᱨ㢕⭆㔋⊇ 㢭⒳⶝☨㔶ツ≠㐩ᮣ ㅰ㱉ㅧ➂⏦☨㮥⧟➈⿓㵀☾⧟㢶⮔☾ 㝫☨☾㣗㺣☾㋡⛰⥂⛊⼗㗐⫒☨㖳㱫ᮣ⡡㝫 ⶾ㺚ⓞᱨ㵀⧗ⶥ㋹➩㨾㋜⭺㑌⧨㖳㱫♋㽳㔤⌤ ⏌㯜╱⡧㑃⧗㨾☨㑉⛞⯿⪹⌧╌㮾⼉ㅰ⭶ⱏ⫊ 㯄㱉ㅧ⾶⌴ᱤ㴢㷿⧩㠦よ㴐ᱥ☨➃ⶾᮣ⡧㑃 ⧗㨾☨ⰶ㗇⶙⏸ⶌ☾⧟㢶⮔㽶ㄾ)⹆ᮣ ☾㝫☨☾≹⛰㺚ⓞᱨ㑥⥗㱱㖳㱫㗐⫒✚㯧㋲ ☨⧗ⶥ㖼⤦☠㺤⼗➩⫒⫊⏰␤☨⪱⪍㲓㚨㖡ᱨ ☕㖼㑉⯿⌧╌㮾㣗ㅰ⭶ⱏ⧧㾎⡽✐⶙▕㯄㱉 ㅧ⾶⌴ᱤ㴢㷿⧩㠦よ㴐ᱥ☨➃ⶾᮣ㑥⥗☕㖼 㑉☨㨾㢜☠㺤⼗㋦㚳㑉☨㙸㠪⫊㺷㔩⏺⭈ᱨ㚳 ⫊㚵⯿⶙ㅢ⌧㈔╌ㅰ☨⭶ⱏᮣ ☾㢶⮔☨☾ᮢ⛰㺚ⓞᱨ㑌⧨㑉ⓞ㲂➧➩ 㨾⫆⛑ㅅ☨㖳㱫㣐㦏♋㊷⿔ᱨ⏌㯜╱㺓Ⱗ⫊⭺ Ⱗ⡧㑃⧗ⶥ≠㐩☨ᱤ⏸⮑☾㢶⮔ᱥᱨ⯿⌧ ╌㮾㣗ㅰ⭶ⱏ㲓㾎⡽㗷✐⶙▕㯄㱉ㅧ⾶⌴ᱤ 㴢㷿⧩㠦よ㴐ᱥ☨⒵➃ᱷ㟠㖫☾⛰㺚ⓞᱨ ➒㗁☾⛰㺲㝗⭆☨➘㾏㨾㢜☠㺤㑌⧨㑉ᱤ㮥 ⢔⫊✂⢔ᱥ㙸㠪☨ᱨ☕㖼㑉⯿㑩㲤ㅰ⏌Ⱗ㗖 ➃ⱄᱨ➃ⱄ㾎⡽✐⶙▕㯄㱉ㅧ⾶⌴ᱤ㴢㷿⧩ 㠦よ㴐ᱥᮣ Financial and Cultural Bridge between Indonesia and China The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. (ICBC) is the largest bank in the world by assets, deposit, profit and market capitalization*, which places ICBC Ltd. in the global lead for the fifth consecutive year. Currently, ICBC has positioned itself as a respected global banking company with more than 18,000 branches including 383 overseas branches with total assets amounting to RMB 17.5 Trillion (±USD 2.8 Trillion). In 2013, it ranked number one in The Forbes Global 2000 list of world’s biggest public companies. 㺲⥖⤀㔈㯢㨾㗁㖺ⰻ㔋㗊㺗ᮢ⶝⩿▌ⶾᮢ⺉㑱⧧㗊⒉ * source from Relbanks 2013 statistics as of April 30th 2013 㽪⼛⹂㴚ㅰ㴨㑓5HOEDQNV ➽✐㾎▙☨㯢㨾⻸㩦ㅰ㵀㐩㎲㗊⒉㔋⌏Ⓘ⼸㥸☼ 㢭ᮣ⤀㨾㠬⿱⍕⏦㐩㎲㱝㱸⊪⸶⭨⦽㠖➶㺉⫒⤕ 㵀ㅠ☨⢔㠬♇㽪␤⡽▕㠦㯄㴐 㴢⧩㠦 㯄よ㴐 ᮣ⢗⳯ㅰ⡁⏦㙱㴹㺠㍿㋵㮟㈉ッ⤀ 㔈㯢㨾㩉ⳳ⊟㗑ᮣ 㚱㮾ᱨ㢜⼗ㆀ⧧㋦㚳⒳⶝☨≠㐩ᱨ㎫㵀ⱌ㑩⫒ ⏿⨍⻮⭊⤴⍁ㆀ☨㗐⫒ᮣ㑥⥗ㆀ☨㗐㝗㨾⹼㺲 㱸