Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine October 2013 | Page 138

136 Travel | Rinca Island Travel | Rinca Island remains of a reptilian feast. (Dragon jaws are capable of crunching the hooves and thigh bones of a buffalo.) Suddenly from across the valley we hear the cracking of a falling tree – roots loosened perhaps by the last of the monsoon. Monkeys screech and jungle fowl cackle as every living thing in the vicinity scrambles for safety. A moment later I’m aware of the sound of more heavy crackling in the undergrowth behind us. Mendung tampak membayangi pulau berbatu ini. Dari kejauhan saya melihat bukit yang diselimuti padang rumput, mengingatkan saya pada suasana safari Afrika. Perahu motor kami yang kecil pun melaju melewati karang, lajunya agak tersendat saat melewati kumparan arus gelombang laut. “Buffalo…?” I whisper, moving my ear closer to the ranger’s shoulder. Surely such a ruckus could not be caused by anything smaller than a buffalo. Perasaan berdebar tak sabar ingin segera sampai semakin terasa saat perahu motor yang saya tumpangi mendekat ke pulau tempat komodo-komodo tersebut berada. A scaly back appears in the shadows. Then a pointed face – alert and beady-eyed – probes out of the bushes. A pink, forked tongue flickers cunningly, tasting the wind. And Indonesia’s reptilian super-predator hauls its mighty body into the sunlight. Segala mitos dan cerita legenda yang menakutkan bisa didengar di kepulauan komodo ini. Unlike the crocodile, the Komodo raises its body high off the ground. It is clear that this creature is as spectacularly adept at running as it is at swimming (they swim from one island to another inside Komodo National Park). So we ease back from the trail and do our best to blend into the tree-line, ceding the mighty dragon his right of way. We stand silently, cringing in the bushes along with the watching monkeys. Bahkan para penjelajah dari benua Eropa menuliskan kata waspada pada peta mereka “Here be Dragons!” (daerah berbahaya yang tak bisa dijelajahi) begitu perahu mereka merapat ke pulau tersebut. Sebagian ahli meyakini bahwa kepulauan komodo ini adalah awal lahirnya cerita legenda mengenai naga dalam mitologi China. As a travel writer and photographer, I have been fortunate to have trekked among lions, tracked jaguars on foot, and spent tim