Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine March 2019 | Page 25

Explore | Masterclass 23 MASTERCLASS Wildlife Photography: Simplicity Marsel van Oosten Marsel van Oosten is a professional nature photographer from the Netherlands. His images are featured in galleries and museums, as well as being used worldwide in advertising and design. He is a regular contributor to National Geographic. In addition to winning the grand title Wildlife Photographer of the Year, he also been named Travel Photographer of the Year and International Nature Photographer of the Year. His other works can be viewed at Marsel van Oosten adalah fotografer alam profesional asal Belanda. Karya-karyanya ditampilkan di sejumlah galeri dan museum, dan sering digunakan untuk iklan dan desain di seluruh dunia. Kontributor tetap National Geographic ini pernah memenangkan gelar bergengsi Wildlife Photographer of the Year, juga Travel Photographer of the Year dan International Nature Photographer of the Year. Karya-karyanya dapat dilihat di After having worked as an art director in advertising for 15 years, I decided to follow my heart and become a nature photographer. Setelah 15 tahun bekerja sebagai art director di bidang periklanan, saya memutuskan mengikuti kata hati saya untuk menjadi seorang fotografer alam. I have always been very passionate about the arts, our natural world and travelling; this job combines all of that. In the first year of my career, I was published several times in National Geographic, which was a great start to my new life. Soon after, my wife, Daniella, and I decided to set up a company that runs photographic tours all over the world and we have now been doing this successfully for 12 years. We both love to travel, and I love to help people become better photographers. It’s a real privilege to be able to work in the world’s wildest places, watch and photograph the natural world, and to share our experiences with so many people. Saya selalu mencintai seni, alam dan perjalanan, profesi fotografer menggabungkan semuanya. Di tahun pertama berkarier sebagai fotografer, beberapa karya saya dipublikasikan di National Geographic, yang merupakan sebuah awal yang baik bagi kehidupan baru saya. Tidak lama setelah itu, saya dan istri, Daniella, memutuskan untuk mendirikan perusahaan penyelenggara tur fotografi ke seluruh dunia, kini sudah berjalan sukses selama 12 tahun. Kami berdua suka jalan-jalan, dan saya senang membantu orang-orang menjadi fotografer yang lebih baik. Adalah keistimewaan bagi saya bisa bekerja di tempat-tempat paling liar di dunia, menyaksikan dan memotret alam juga berbagi pengalaman dengan banyak orang. My visual style is simple and clean: simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. My images are my personal, artistic interpretation of nature, and it is my hope that they will create the awareness that we need to protect our planet and all the species that live on it. Gaya visual saya sederhana dan jelas: kesederhanaan adalah gaya terbaik. Foto-foto saya adalah interpretasi artistik pribadi terhadap alam, yang saya harap dapat memunculkan kesadaran akan pentingnya menjaga bumi dan seluruh makhluk hidup di dalamnya. Springbok, Namibia A springbok visits a small waterhole in the Namib-Naukluft National Park in Namibia. Water is scarce in this region, so animals have to walk many miles to get to the waterholes. Here I used a remote-controlled camera so that my presence would not scare the animals. The moment I pressed the shutter, the clicking sound made all the doves fly up. Seekor springbok, atau antelop, singgah di kubangan air di Taman Nasional Namib-Naukluft di Namibia. Langkanya air di daerah ini memaksa hewan-hewan berjalan jauh untuk mencari kubangan air. Saya menggunakan kamera kendali jarak jauh agar keberadaan saya tidak membuat hewan-hewan takut. Ketika saya menekan tombol rana, bunyi kliknya membuat burung-burung merpati beterbangan.