Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine March 2019 | Page 115

Travel | Istanbul 113 TAKING SIDES A total of 65 per cent of Istanbul’s population lives on the European side of the city. Sebanyak 65 persen warga Istanbul tinggal di bagian kota yang berada di wilayah Eropa, sehingga kota ini menjadi kota terbesar di Eropa. METRO opened in 1875 Istanbul’s metro is the second- oldest urban subway in the world. The Tünel line opened in 1875. Over 60 new stations are now under construction. Metro Istanbul adalah kereta urban bawah tanah tertua kedua di dunia. Jalur Tünel dibuka tahun 1875. Saat ini, lebih dari 60 stasiun baru sedang dibangun. 65% occupies the European side since 1312 20k blue tiles WHIRLING DERVISH BLUE MOSQUE The Sultan Ahmed Mosque acquired its popular name from its 20,000 blue ceramic tiles. It also has 260 stained-glass windows. At night the mosque is bathed in blue, framed by lights. Masjid Sultan Ahmed terkenal dengan 20.000 tegel keramik birunya. Masjid ini juga dihiasi 260 jendela kaca patri. Saat malam, masjid bermandikan cahaya biru. the largest for 1.000 years HAGIA SOPHIA This was the world’s largest building when it opened, and it remained the world’s largest cathedral for 1,000 years until 1520. Saat pertama kali dibuka, bangunan ini adalah yang terbesar di dunia dan berstatus katedral terluas selama 1.000 tahun hingga 1520. The whirling dervish may have become an iconic image synonymous with Istanbul, but its roots lie with Sufism and the Mevlevi Order, which was formed in 1312 in the Turkish city of Konya. Tari sufi mungkin menjadi ikon yang identik dengan Istanbul, tapi tari ini berakar dari Sufisme dan Mevlevi Order, yang dibentuk di tahun 1312 di Kota Konya, Turki. 5 Senses – Taste TURKISH COFFEE Traditional Turkish coffee is ‘black as hell, strong as death and sweet as love’ according to an old proverb, and served in small glasses. Coffeehouses in Istanbul are generally rough-and- ready places. Elegance is reserved not for the décor but for the pastries full of nuts and honey, with wonderful names such as ‘nightingale’s nests’ and ‘lady’s lips’. Traditional coffeehouses are also the place for reading newspapers, playing backgammon and enjoying a hubble-bubble. Disajikan dalam gelas kecil, kopi tradisional Turki “sehitam neraka, sekeras kematian dan semanis cinta”, begitu menurut pepatah kuno. Kedai-kedai kopi di Istanbul umumnya sederhana. Daya tariknya bukan pada dekorasi, melainkan kue-kue isi kacang dan madu dengan nama-nama cantik, seperti “sarang burung bulbul” (bülbül yuvasi) dan “bibir wanita” (dilber dudağı). Kedai kopi tradisional juga tempat yang cocok untuk membaca koran, bermain backgammon dan menikmati hookah.