Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine July 2014 | Page 42

40 Explore | What’s On WORLD EVENT EVENT © MicroWorks / Shutterstock Bastille Day – Paris, France, July 14 Consider Bastille Day a more formal celebration than the USA’s Independence Day, featuring decorated military, lush banquets and – being that it’s Paris – a never-ending flow of red wine. The original (thought-to-be) impenetrable fortress, Bastille was built in Paris in the 14th century as a strategic defence position against the English during the Hundred Years War. It was later established as a prison in Paris, which, stormed by troops in 1789, began the French Revolution. Visitors should be sure to see the Bastille Day Military Parade, during which cadets from military academies all over France converge on Paris’s famed Champs-Élysées, marching from l'Arc de Triomphe to Place de la Concorde, where the president of the French Republic, his government and foreign ambassadors to France await. At night, the fireworks in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower are breathtaking. If attending, two pieces of advice: Parisians leave their city for the shore during the summer, so this is an opportune time to snag a pretty holiday residence for your stay. Second, the most fun happens the night before, with a host of balls, dances and parties. Boryeong Mud Festival – Boryeong, South Korea Suasana perayaan Bastille Day terasa lebih formal daripada Hari Kemerdekaan Amerika. Di hari ini banyak terlihat medali dan tanda jasa, meja-meja perjamuan, dan wine yang seakan tak habis dituang. Bastille, benteng yang dahulu sempat dianggap tak dapat dikuasai, dibangun di Paris pada abad ke-14 sebagai posisi pertahanan strategis melawan Inggris pada masa Perang Seratus Tahun. Benteng ini lalu dijadikan kompleks penjara di Paris, setelah penyerbuan tahun 1789, yang merupakan awal Revolusi Perancis. July 18–27 Millions descend on Boryeong each summer to experience the healing properties of the local mud and the messy, ultra-fun festival that celebrates it. Jangan lewatkan Parade Militer Bastille Day, dimana para calon taruna dari seluruh akademi militer di Perancis berkumpul di Champs-Elysèes Paris, dan berjalan mulai dari l’Arc de Triomphe hingga Place de la Concorde, tempat Presiden Republik Perancis, menteri dan duta besar negara sahabat telah menanti. Di malam hari, saksikan kembang api berlatar belakang Menara Eiffel. Bagi Anda yang ingin datang ke acara ini, ada dua hal menarik yang penting diketahui: saat musim panas, banyak warga Kota Paris yang berlibur ke daerah pantai, sehingga Anda pun berkesempatan untuk menginap di rumah liburan yang cantik. Kedua, jamuan makan malam, dansa dan pesta banyak diadakan di malam menjelang Bastille Day. Ribuan orang turun ke Boryeong setiap musim panas untuk merasakan lumpur yang memiliki khasiat menyembuhkan, serta bergabung dalam festival yang unik ini.