Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine December 2017 | Page 167

Advertorial 165 Saat Samsung Galaxy Note8 berada dalam genggaman, inilah saatnya untuk bereksperimen! Dengan layar berukuran 6,3 inci—terbesar yang pernah dihadirkan, Anda bisa membuka dua aplikasi dalam satu layar. Pada saat yang sama, leluasakan jemari berkreasi menggunakan S Pen. Selain mempermudah Anda menulis tanpa membuka handphone (screen off memo), menerjemahkan, atau mengubah sesuatu, fitur S Pen yang tahan air ini juga menghadirkan cara berkomunikasi berbeda melalui live message. Anda bisa mengirimkan tulisan tangan serta GIF dan emoji buatan sendiri. Momen merekam imaji pun kian menyenangkan dengan adanya dual rear camera yg memiliki dua lensa, tele dan wide dengan 2x optical zoom, yang juga dilengkapi dual pixel serta dual optical image stabilizer (OIS) yang membuat hasil foto tetap stabil walau tangan bergoyang saat memotret. Tetap riang mengerjakan tugas-tugas lantaran smartphone yang hadir dalam tiga pilihan warna ini—midnight black, maple gold dan orchid gray—bisa dihubungkan dengan Dex Station. Anda pun nyaman bekerja layaknya dari PC dengan monitor, keyboard dan mouse (yang semuanya dijual terpisah). DO BIGGER THINGS WITH GALAXY NOTE8 When the Samsung Galaxy Note8 is on hand, it’s time for experimentation! With a 6.3- inch screen – the biggest ever presented – you can open two applications in one screen. At the same time, your fingers are free to create using the S Pen. Apart from making it more convenient to write without opening the handphone (screen off memo), translate or change anything, the S Pen, which which is waterproof, also allows you to communicate differently through live message. You can send handwritten notes as well as GIFs and emojis you made yourself. Taking pictures is more fun with the presence of a dual rear camera, which has two lenses, tele and wide with 2x optical zoom, and also comes complete with dual pixel as well as dual optical image stabiliser (OIS), which makes the captured images stable even when photographing with moving hands. Stay cheerful while doing your work with this smartphone, which is not only available in three colours – midnight black, maple gold and orchid gray – but can also be connected to a Dex Station. It’s just like working with a PC that has a monitor, keyboard and mouse (each sold separately). After struggling with your tasks, now it’s time to play games or browse for the latest news. Armed with a 10nm mobile processor, 6GB RAM, LTE and Wi-Fi, various applications can be operated quickly. For a more special experience, equip your phone with a wireless charger, which is sold separately. Usai berkutat dengan tugas, kini saatnya bermain games, atau sekadar browsing kabar teranyar. Berbekal 10 nm mobile processor, 6GB RAM, gigabit LTE dan gigabit Wi-Fi, berbagai aplikasi bisa dioperasikan secara cepat. Untuk pengalaman lebih istimewa, lengkapi dengan charger nirkabel yang dijual terpisah.