Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine April 2017 | Page 26

24 Explore | Masterclass The image from a microscope has a very shallow focus that makes seeing difficult when first getting oriented. When I first look into a microscope, things have no frame of reference. The image from a microscope has a very shallow focus that makes seeing difficult when first getting oriented. Many subjects are invisible because of low contrast, or are transparent, making them very hard to find. Some sample characteristics are visible only when using highly specialised techniques. These are a few of the problems I face when photographing the invisible. Saat saya pertama kali melihat ke dalam mikroskop, objek di dalamnya tidak memiliki kerangka acuan. Gambar dari mikroskop memiliki fokus yang sangat dangkal sehingga sulit ditangkap mata. Banyak objek tak terlihat karena kontras yang rendah, atau transparan, sehingga sangat sulit ditemukan. Beberapa sampel hanya bisa dilihat menggunakan teknik khusus. Inilah beberapa tantangan yang saya hadapi ketika memotret objek yang tak terlihat. Pine Stem Panorama This picture features a cross-section of Pinus or pine stem. It was photographed using a low-power objective. Four pictures were made of the sample and stitched into this composite file. The sample was illuminated using darkfield illumination. I think the sample almost looks astronomical. Visible in the photomicrograph is the old wood (pith) in the middle, the growing wood (xylem) outside of the pith, responsible for water transport, and the phloem, which transports the simple sugar produced from photosynthesis. The outermost layer is called epidermis or bark. The stem was 5mm in diameter, and the microscope produced a magnification of 25 times. Objek dalam foto ini adalah penampang atau irisan melintang batang pinus. Foto ini dihasilkan menggunakan lensa objektif mikroskop berdaya rendah. Empat foto dari sampel digabungkan menjadi satu berkas komposit. Sampel diterangi dengan teknik pencahayaan dark field. Saya pikir sampel ini jadi terlihat astronomis. Fotomikrograf ini memperlihatkan kayu tua (empulur) di tengah, pembuluh kayu (xilem) di luar empulur, yang berfungsi mengangkut air, dan pembuluh tapis (floem), yang mengangkut gula hasil dari fotosintesis. Lapisan terluar disebut epidermis atau kulit kayu. Batang pinus ini memiliki diameter 5 mm, dan mikroskop menghasilkan perbesaran 25 kali.