Garner, N.C.: A Great Place to Be - 2017 | Page 12

The Wake County Public

The Wake County Public

School System ( WCPSS ) is consistently ranked among nation ’ s top-performing large systems . The average child-toteacher ratio is 15:1 , and almost half of faculty members hold an advanced degree .
The system ’ s magnet schools have enjoyed tremendous success , with the International Baccalaureate ( IB ) program being one of the most highly sought after . Garner residents can send their children through a full 12 years of the IB program without ever having to leave town . They can also select elementary schools in Garner that offer Mandarin Chinese or a curriculum focusing on STEM ( science , technology , engineering and math ).
The $ 810 million Wake County school bond program has resulted in the newly opened South Garner High School , an elementary school also under construction in South Garner and the complete renovation of Garner Magnet High School .