GANGA 55th Issue | Page 5

We are very proud of Dr.Ghosh, an Hon’ble The atmospheric CO2 concentration show Member an increase from 316 ppm in March 1958 to of Integrated River Basin Management Society. 391 ppm in September 2012. Based on ice- (Picture Source the Guardian Site) core SPECIAL FEATURES concentrations have been shown to have Climate Change and Water been in the range of 260 to 280 ppm. II Geological and paleo-climatic evidence In the year Atmospheric 2000 Paul Chemist, Crutzen, and measurements, pre-industrial CO2 an makes clear that the present atmospheric Eugene CO2 concentrations are higher than at any Stoermer, a Biologist, propagated a radical time in the last 15 million years. idea that humankind’s impact on the Earth’s Since 1959, approximately 350 billion ecology has been so profound that it is metric tons of carbon has been emitted fashioning an entirely new geological epoch through human activity, of which 55 % has called Anthropocene. Concrete has become been taken up by the oceans and land, with a new kind of rock. Man has produced about the balance remaining in the atmosphere. In 500 billion tonnes of it, which is enough for the absence of further governmental policy one kilo for every square metre of the changes, global CO2 emissions (including Earth’s surface, land and sea. The change is emissions related to deforestation) will reach being wrought not just by concrete and 41 billion metric tons of CO2 per year in plastic but also by soaring extinction rates 2020. and changes to the carbon cycle, the While nitrogen cycle and temperature. The new temperature of the Earth is perhaps one of theory says that after the Holocene Epoch, the most noticeable changes, approximately we have entered the new Anthropocene 93% of the additional heat absorbed by the epoch. Time will only tell if this will be true Earth system is stored in the ocean. This is but the human impact on global scale is resulting from an increase in greenhouse gas palpable. And climate being most dynamic concentration since 1955. component in nature with the changes of warming of the world’s oceans are due to climate changes in hydrologic cycle and the increase in atmospheric greenhouse ecosystems are noticed at global scale. gases. The strong trend of increasing ocean 5 Integrated River Basin Management Society the warming of the surface The observed