Game Insider - God of War Cover Story GAMEINSIDER - God of War Cover Issue | Page 44

Supermassive Games takes aim with their newest heart-pumping firefight of intense combat and split-second tactical decision making in Bravo Team. Bravo Team is a first person VR cover shooter set in a fictional, modern day city in Eastern Europe. When your escort mission goes wrong it’s up to you and a friend to survive as the city is thrown into turmoil. You’ll need to think on your feet and work together as you battle through an intense journey of close calls and chaotic firefights. According to Supermassive Games teamwork is vital to your survival and Bravo Team has been developed for both single player and two player co-op online. Levels and enemies are designed to test your ability to work as a team. Calling targets, covering fire and constant communication are the difference between success and failure. The development team has gone to tremendous lengths with Bravo Team to put players inside the firefight. With only a shred of cover between you and certain death, RPG's fly overhead and bullets impact just inches from your face to put you right in the middle of a warzone. The arsenal of lethal weaponry gives you the tools you need to tackle these threats with a variety of powerful, tactile firearms. Throughout the development process for Supermassive Games, getting their hands on the Aim controller was an enormous inspiration for this game. Supermassive Games has always enjoyed designing and building around the best features of great new controllers, and the Aim is no exception. Feeling that you are actually holding and interacting with the weapons in Bravo Team is incredibly exciting and elevates the experience to an entirely new level. Bravo Team demands that you interact with your weapon and environment in natural, tactile ways. To lean around cover simply lean left or right. To aim your weapon, just raise the controller and line up the iron sights as you would in reality. Pinned down by enemy fire? Lift the controller above your head and blind fire away. Each action is performed naturally and intuitively, just like in real life. This sense of ‘being there’ is an enormous focus for Supermassive. Not only is the feel of battle key, the sense of place and presence that comes from a seamless experience is incredibly important. Impressively, from beginning to end you will fight through the streets and buildings without any loading or level select screens interrupting your immersive VR experience. Bravo Team will thrust you into the chaos of an action movie firefight. With the Aim controller in your hands and a trusted teammate watching your six, you’ll make split second decisions in a fight for survival that spans the length and breadth of a city in turmoil. I hope you’re just as excited to play it as we are. We can’t wait!