Game Insider Game Insider We Happy Few Cover Issue | Page 2

18 26 DEVIL MAY CRY 5 The story is set several years after Devil May Cry 4. Legendary DMC action returns, made all the more stylish by the power modern gaming has to 62 offer. 44 48 WE HAPPY FEW Set in a retro-futuristic 1960's, you will find a city ravaged by war and rebuilt by delusionally happy people. Everything appears to be happy in Wellington Wells, including the roads, the people, and its omnipresent television personality, Uncle Jack! However, it’s also a world on the brink of collapse. You’ll discover the history of this world, and how it came to be just so beguilingly happy. by Derrick Smith 58 ASTRONEER Astroneer is an addictive, and intriguing experience, which gives the player the opportunity to expand their influence, and explore entire planets with much immersion. 30 ASSASSIN'S CREED: ODYSSEY Set in 431 BCE, four hundred years prior to the events of Assassin's Creed Origins. AC: Odyssey recounts the secret fictional history of the Peloponnesian War. RED FACTION: GUERRILLA Red Faction Guerrilla: Re-Mars- tered is a lot of fun once you manage to chore your way through the initial shortcomings and accept it for what it is. THE DIVISION 2 The overarching power struggle between Division Agents and enemy factions provides an opportunity to create dynamic gameplay elements that transform the city into a living, breathing world. DAEMON x MACHINA A brand-new, fast-paced mech action game from Kenichiro Tsukuda is coming to Nintendo Switch and it looks amazing!