Game Insider - Best of 2018 Best of 2018 | Page 26

Players once again take on the role of the Doom Slayer, the iconic ancient warrior who battles the demonic forces of Hell from a first-person perspective. If you happen to have played DOOM, which released in 2016 then you might be excited to learn that developer id Software is pulling out all stops with DOOM ETERNAL, in an effort to somehow surpass its predecessor. The game continues its predecessor's emphasis on "push-forward" combat, encouraging the player to aggressively engage enemies in order to acquire health and ammo. The player has access to various firearms, such as the Combat Shotgun, Super Shotgun, Heavy Cannon, Rocket Launcher, Plasma Rifle, and Ballista. Melee weapons such as a chainsaw, the "Crucible Blade" energy sword and a retractable arm-blade can also be used. The arm-blade provides the opportunity for a larger variety of quick and violent "glory kill" executions. The Super Shotgun is now equipped with a "Meat Hook", which slingshots the player towards an enemy, functioning as a grappling hook in both combat scenarios and environmental navigation. Armaments including missiles, grenade launchers and flamethrowers can also be attached to the Doom Slayer's armor. New movement mechanics such as wall- climbing and dash moves will also be introduced. Creative director Hugo Martin has stated there will be twice as many demon types as in the 2016 reboot. There are new types of enemies, such as the Marauder and Doom Hunter, while others, such as the Pain Elemental, Arachnotron, and Archvile, will be reintroduced from previous Doom entries. A new system called "Destructible Demons" is featured, in which enemies' bodies become progressively destroyed and deteriorated in combat as they suffer damage. For the first time in the series, the game will feature an asymmetric multiplayer mode called "Invasion", in which players can join others' single-player campaigns, fighting against them as demons. This mode can be turned off by players who wish to play the game solo. In addition to Invasion, the game features other standard multiplayer modes. While id Software will be handling all developmnt efforts of the game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox, the Nintendo Switch version of DOOM ETERNAL is beig developed by Panic Button, thankfully Marty Stratton and Hugo Martin both returned to serve as the game's directors. The game is the first to be developed with the id Tech 7 engine, which features ten times the geometric detail and texture fidelity of idTech 6. According to Stratton, the team aimed at making a "Doom universe", featuring larger and more varied locales, including "Hell on Earth", for players to explore. Unlike its predecessor, id Software is developing the game's multiplayer component in-house, as opposed to being outsourced to the previous game's multiplayer developer Certain Affinity, with the goal of making the experience more "social" and "connected" with the single-player campaign. At the moment, while there is no set launch date, DOOM ETERNAL is expected to launch sometime during the 2019 calendar year. We'll have more for you on the Slayers next outings in the coming months. "There are new types of enemies, such as the Marauder and Doom Hunter, while others, such as the Pain Elemental, Arachnotron, and Archvile, will be reintroduced from previous Doom entries.