GAMbIT Magazine Issue #26 April 2017 | Page 43

Frogger doesn ' t often come up when talking about the SNES and maybe that ' s a good thing . Sure , the Super Nintendo had a number of classic arcade ports , mostly notably in this conversation Ms Pac- Man , but Frogger just made no sense . This isn ' t some early SNES title and , in fact , is the last official Super Nintendo game released for the system . Not only that , but it ' s also one of the worst games to hit the system as nothing more than a cheap cash in .
This release came around when Frogger was rebooted in 3D for the Sony PlayStation , but for whatever reason they decided to create a version for the Super Nintendo . There was , of course , no way the 3D Frogger would work on the console , so they simply recreated the classic arcade game . You get one screen and simply play Frogger over and over again until you question you reason for existence .
The game takes zero advantage of the Super Nintendo hardware and looks like a cheap mobile offering . And we aren ' t talking some smartphone offering , instead we are talking about the ones you ' d get on your old flip-phone done in Java . The game hit the market in 1997 and was a really sad way to say goodnight to the Super Nintendo .