GAMbIT Magazine #28 Sep-Oct 2017 | Page 18

DOTA 2 is Getting Negative Reviews on Steam Because of Half-Life 3 DOTA 2 is getting review bombed right now. The reason? Half-Life 3. Allow us to explain. Last week, Marc Laidlaw, former writer for Valve and head writer on Half-Life, posted the plot of Half-Life 3 as he would’ve written it. Well, with the serial numbers filed off, anyway. This caused people to realize that it’s been 10 years this October since Episode 2 released (holy shit!). And, as some sort of retaliation, pissed off fans have set to trashing the scores of other recent Valve properties on Steam. Specifically, DOTA 2, though CS:GO hasn’t been immune. Most of the negative reviews name drop Half-Life in some way. And, uh, the Half-Life games themselves are getting similarly hit. Total honesty, it’s vaguely childish; especially since most of the reviews are poorly spelled and occasionally use caveman grammar. It’s also the least likely way to get Valve to do what they want. At the same time, it’s somewhat understandable, as Half-Life was considered one of those transformative works for the medium. And, you know, it’s been 10 years, it’s hard not to get antsy after that long. I suppose for the time being, however, that DOTA 2 will have to abide. Darkwood Devs Put Their Game on The Pirate Bay Developer Acid Wizard learned a lot making Darkwood, their first game. For one, they mastered their fear of the genre (survival horror). For another, they took a different approach; no jump scares, all terror. But what’s more, they also learned something about dealing with consumers. And their response to a number of setbacks and consumer dealings is impressive. They uploaded the game to The Pirate Bay; the only catch being that they don’t want anyone to buy the game through those shady key reseller sites. As per their (frankly interesting) story posted on Imgur: Steam lets you refund a game if you haven’t played it for more than 2 hours, and as a developer we can see the reason why people refunded it. When we read the explanation from someone who wrote that he needed the refund because he didn’t want his parents to be stressed out when seeing the bill at the end of the month… well, it made us feel quite bad. So we decided to do something about it! If you don’t have the money and want to play the game, we have a safe torrent on the Pirate Bay of the latest version of Darkwood (1.0 hotfix 3), completely DRM-free. There’s no catch, no added pirate hats for characters or anything like that. We have just one request: if you like Darkwood and want us to continue making games, consider buying it in the future, maybe on a sale, through Steam, GOG or Humble Store. But please, please, don’t buy it through any key reselling site. By doing that, you’re just feeding the cancer that is leeching off this industry. That’s all pretty cool of them. So, if you’d like to give a gesture of good faith in turn, the link to the game on Steam is below. Give it a try: and, if you like it, show your support by buying Darkwood. 18 GAMBIT | SEPT/OCT | 2017