Gallery259 Analogue Resistance Magazine Vol. 5 | Page 11

Gallery259 still exists as an idea but hopes to go mobile with a darkroom and display space on a wee trailer or some borrowed wall. Low fi, low budget, and a small footprint kind of affair but one which will allow me to get out into the world.

Being tied to a physical space was limiting, mostly a solo act and it came with a price tag. This rebirthing of Gallery259 is organic, a labour of love and limited resources.

Meantime I get to mow the lawns and sort my precious hordes and spend hours trying to find things.

This belated edition began its life in June 017. My aspiration has always been to have an issue of The Gallery259 Analogue Resistance Mag out each quarter in any year.

At 62ish I still try to keep the most important faith; faith and belief in myself.

This mag is not pretending to be anything other than a sharing and collating tool for moi. I hope you enjoy it simply for what it is.

Representing me myself and I wasn't the original vision. I would still love to hear from other analogue dreamers/blenders who could maybe have some fun clowning with me and collectively enjoy building the hashtag #theAnalogueResistance ......or contribute to this mag sharing what they do.

Don't be a stranger:-) but strange is welcome. Subscribe for free

Graham Hughes

November 25th 2018

i[email protected]

P.s Here it is now nearly December 018! I had been wanting to have an appendix for all the images re what camera and mode of birth et al. This has become a stumbling block for me time wise. Right now I just want to get this off my desk and have better tags for images next time. I am not a great record keeper or detail person. Can you please trust me that they all have a silver based analogue birth and all been touched digitally to widely varying degrees......but never totally. I call it kissed by. I am more than happy to supply any info or respond to questions around images.