Gallery259 Analogue Resistance Magazine Vol. 4 | Page 37

Of course those who love 'big', and who strive to get larger than life images and prints are not all motivated by the need for making a mark, a statement of prowess or any kind of size meglomania.

The simple reality is that they do because they can. And I seriously respect that.

I live in a space and time of limited means and create within the scope of what I am able to. 35mm silver gelatin paper negatives are only a part of my fun with light and emulsions, yet I am dogged by a sense of embarrassment if I let comparison define my creativity.

Even if I love that sense of not wasting precious paper offcuts, and the mystery of expired paper, it can seem rather pathetic compared to the big stuff.

I can hear in my own critical thoughts and words revealing the underdoggish disposition of my being in some way wasting my time and missing the point of this love affair. Many I know do and will think .......why bother?