Gallery Samples Stories of our Ancestors | Page 50

When Rebecca arrived in South Africa it is likely that she disembarked in Durban and travelled by road to Pietermaritzburg to Mrs Gray who perhaps was hosting her. Mrs Gray had a connection with the then Governor of Natal, Lord Arthur Havelock and his wife Lady Havelock, who were resident at Government House in Pietermaritzburg. This good lady wrote a reference for Rebecca and sent it to Lady Havelock asking if there could be a position available for her young protégé in her household. Rebecca kept Lady Havelock’s positive response all her life and it was found in her papers after she died. The letter was written on November 16th 1886 and it gives the starting date of Rebecca’s position as 13th December. This would mean that Rebecca was eighteen at the time if her birth date is correct. Bearing in mind that it would have been impossible for her to start work so soon after the letter arrived had she still been in England one must assume that she was already in South Africa at the time. THE LETTER FROM LADY HAVELOCK So, in due course, Rebecca started her domestic duties at Government House which, bearing in mind its size, must have been quite intimidating! G O V E R N M E N T HO U S E P I E TE R M A R I T Z B U R G I N TH E 1 8 8 0 ’ S : A B O U T T HE T I M E O F R E B E C C A ’ S E M P L O Y M E N T TH E R E I rather suppose that Rebecca would have lived there with the other maids; could one of those attic rooms above have been hers? Did she look out of those windows and wonder how she had come to be in this strange place so far away from home and so very different? And so very, very hot! 50