G20 Foundation Publications Russia 2013 | Page 72

energy 37
The three facets of our ‘ energy trilemma ’ are
as follows :
Energy security
Secure energy enables economic and social development . It gives populations the means to communicate , work , travel and live . It means that suppliers can deliver energy securely and buyers can obtain resources at a reasonable cost . Energy security is necessary to fuel growth with competitive energy and can eventually boost jobs and innovation . It is a fundamental driver of economic development and greater energy independence . At its most acute , as history shows , geopolitical tensions rise when energy sources are in doubt or opaque and a more security-conscious energy mindset can help to alleviate potential risks . Energy security is also about dissipating geopolitical tension through defining ownership and trade routes more clearly .
Energy equity
Energy sustainability is about widening access to energy for under-provisioned communities , enabling access to education , health , and other vital services . About 1.2 billion people in the world do not have access to modern energy supplies . This situation is unsustainable and will only be addressed , especially in developing markets , if chronic underinvestment is reversed and affordable , secure energy is delivered into communities historically not served by energy or social infrastructure .
Environmental sustainability
The solutions we agree upon have to enable us to take a more progressive approach to protecting our climate and environment . Energy efficiency and alternative low-carbon energy technologies need to be promoted and implemented . Improved global governance on energy safety , including nuclear and deep-water drilling , is essential .
As our 2012 World Energy Trilemma report highlighted , the challenge for the global energy sector is to find a coherent way of integrating policy and industry solutions into a framework that enables real progress to be made . Worldwide energy demand is rising significantly : it is likely to increase by 36 % by 2030 and to double by 2050 . The majority ( about 93 %) of this growth is driven by emerging economies .
In order to adapt to this growth in demand , we must equally focus on energy efficiency . There are sufficient global energy resources in the world to fuel economic growth , but the key is in bringing them to market and finding solutions to make them sustainable . Hydrocarbon resources could support current rates of consumption for another two centuries , but they are distributed unevenly across the globe and offer limited support for carbon reduction . New renewable energies could be exploited in many countries , but they are intermittent in their production and are still too expensive . Nuclear energy can help meet a number of priorities , from sustainability of supply through to a lower-carbon energy mix , but international governance on the safety of nuclear energy needs to be improved .
Nevertheless , there is one global issue on which an international accord could be reached within reasonable efforts , and where its sense of urgency commands us to act now . This issue is global governance , beginning with the clear need to re-examine global nuclear safety post-Fukushima , and global safety regimes within deepwater oil exploration and unconventional gas recovery . In the case of shale gas and recently discovered hydrate methane , in particular , significant attention and unchallenged myths have created public mistrust .
There is a real opportunity for an international political body like the G20 to promote a consensual solution to global nuclear safety . This body could demonstrate that true international governance , where emerging economies play their full part , could be successful . Nuclear power is still expanding worldwide , so there is a real urgency for us to act now , and act together . Indeed , global nuclear safety is a major challenge for both countries that exploit nuclear energy and the ones that refuse to adopt it .
That is why , I , as Chairman of the World Energy Council , call for a global wakeup . If we are to secure our future and its required energy supply , we have to make sure all our energy technologies and organisations are safe . To achieve these objectives , I suggest the creation of a ‘ G20 ’ group on energy . This group should consist of an international and independent group of experts , acting as an authoritative international body for all energies , representing OECD and non- OECD countries to contribute quickly to the enhancement of safety around the world .
Finding consensual solutions and creating a global accord on energy governance is easier said than done , however . From 13 to 17 October 2013 , global energy leaders will gather in Daegu , South Korea , for the 22nd World Energy Congress . There , we will have a rare opportunity to make meaningful and long-lasting headway in addressing some of our most pressing energy challenges , enabling the discussions that will be held at the G20 to be taken forward in reality .
I believe that the World Energy Council can be a catalyst in the world ’ s attempt to build dialogue , share vision and reach consensus to achieve a sustainable future .