G20 Foundation Publications China 2016 | Page 32

TRADE & FINANCE G20: ASPIRING TO A COMMON TAX LANGUAGE CHRIS SANGER EY Global Tax Policy Leader The G20/OECD Base Erosion and Profi t Shifting (BEPS) project has been yet another indication that tax operates in an ever more connected world. Bringing together the diff ering perspectives on taxation, and coalescing them around 15 Actions, was an achievement that would have been unthinkable even a decade ago. Yet it, and many other initiatives, now exist above the remit of the individual governments, striving to bring greater alignment and coherence to the world’s varied tax systems. Such alignment brings real benefi ts for governments, but also off ers the appetizing prospect for businesses of tax systems that are more coherent. Reducing disparities should reduce situations in which tax has the potential to complicate commercial decision- making, something most business leaders would welcome. Transparency demands communication The benefi t of alignment has made the role of the G20 and the international organizations even more important, as they help to bring together the various parties. However, it also has changed the role of the tax director. While they 32 have always needed to be good at understanding the many and varied tax provisions, the discussion of BEPS and other topics has required them to become good communicators and diplomats, able to explain the approaches undertaken by their businesses but also to understand the perspective of governments. Today we have a much greater focus on transparency, not only as a result of the BEPS country-by-country reporting requirements, but also the wider provisions on exchange of information. We now have over a hundred jurisdictions committed to operate Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI). In this new landscape, those communication skills are going to be in ever greater demand. Such transparency is set to increase, as seen at the G20’s recent meeting in Chengdu which focused on tax transparency objectives and reform progress generally. Here representatives restated the call for automatic exchange of information by 2018. China’s Finance Minister, Lou Jiwei, also supported the development of a new international tax environment and China’s release of new guidance on 29 June 2016 formally introduced country-by-country reporting.