G20 Foundation Publications China 2016 | Page 28

TRADE & FINANCE MITIGATING CLIMATE CHANGE WITH LOW CARBON INVESTMENTS STOXX Limited Selnaustrasse 30 CH-8021 Zürich Switzerland Phone: +41 58 399 5300 www.stoxx.com 28 Last year’s United Nations Climate Change Summit in Paris concluded with the adoption of a momentous agreement between nearly 200 countries to limit global warming below 2°C, clearly signaling that the world is ready to take a step in the right direction to mitigate climate change. Though primarily a political signal, the agreement has increased pressure on companies along with investors. One major message of the climate change conference was that carbon emissions will no longer be economically justifiable in any business model in the future. In recent years, it has become apparent that fossil energy has no bright investment future. Long-term investors in particular are becoming increasingly aware of the risks climate change presents to their assets. Several leading institutional investors, like the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund or Allianz Group, have decided not to invest in businesses relying on fossil energy. This decision is forward-looking: A change towards a more sustainable investment approach is also demanded from governmental side. In 2015, France has introduced mandatory carbon reporting for portfolios of pension funds, insurance companies and other institutional investors. Other countries want to implement similar obligations as governments are pushing hard. Obviously, institutional investors are expected to reflect the growing concerns about climate change in their portfolios. So far, however, it has not been as easy to implement sustainable investments. Pension funds for example are often obligated to follow a pre-defined benchmark. As a result, and in order to avoid undesired tracking errors they can only rely on indices that embed low carbon filters. Some investors may want to get the most out of the leading sustainable companies only, while others would consider companies and their whole supply chain additionally.